That's Not My Job.

Do you give your clients the bare minimum? It's O.K. if you said yes. You wouldn't be alone. In fact, you'd in the majority.

Some people just do the bare minimum. And there are a lot of these people in the world today. The waiter who never refills your drink. The sales person who never offers assistance in the store. The door man who sits behind his desk and doesn't get the door when you walk in (#ThingsNewYorkersSay). 

I talk to roughly 50 insurance brokers a week about ways to improve their business. Very rarely do they stop me and say "We are not interested in hearing how you can help us improve our business." On the contrary, most brokers want to hear how you can help them.

What I do hear most brokers say is "That's not my job". 

Now I'm not going to sit here and debate what is and what isn't an Employee Benefits insurance broker's job...........O.K. I will. 

But before I do, here are 3 reasons you should care about "What is your job". And they're very, VERY serious and threaten your livelihood:

  1. Carrier Commissions - Which direction are they headed?
  2. Affordable Care Act - Wake up. Its not going anywhere. 
  3. Payroll Companies - Zero in BI 100 2010, Paychex is #25 in 2013
                            "Oh, do I have your attention now?"

                            "Oh, do I have your attention now?"

The following services are being adopted by brokers, consultants, and payroll companies today. They're doing this because they want to seize an opportunity. That opportunity is YOUR book of business.

How many of these value added services are you offering your clients today, either from your internal staff or through out-sourcing? 

Compliance Where do you want to start? FMLA, , PDL, COBRA, DOL, HIPPA, State, Federal, EEO, ADA, ERISA, etc., etc., etc....You know your clients aren't compliant. Help them and become their hero.

Online Enrollment Have you gone paperless yet? You're not still storing your clients data on excel spreadsheets are you? Make everyone's life easier by offering an alternative to the all-day, onsite enrollment meeting.

Payroll If you can't beat them, join them. Or at least partner with someone that can.

Human Resources This is a broad term, but why don't you start with a new employee handbook. Apparently 85% of you aren't even doing that. 

ACA Guidance "Obamacare won't last." This is not guidance, it's denial. You need to be an expert on this law or hire someone who is.

Analytics Measure your client's health care utilization. Get some bench marking data. Help them understand where they can save money.

Employee Training Corporate Training is a $200 billion industry

Corporate Training is a $200 billion dollar industry?????? That means your clients are already paying someone to help them train their employees. Could that person be you? It could be....

...but that's not your job.
