Internetville: Where Your Next Customer Can Be Found.

If you want new insurance customers, I can tell you where to find them. There is a special place where they all go to research insurance brokers. You can find them here when they're supposed to be working. They're also here when they're at home. Your next customer is on the internet.

How do people find information. They talk to their peers and they use internet search engines. The search engines display results based on algorithms. The more your insurance agency is on the internet the more likely your prospects will see you.

Today's buyers are doing research before they even pick up the phone. 

Does your company have its own website? A manta listing or Yellow Pages online doesn't count. Actually - it does count. It counts as a cheap insurance broker that doesn't have a website. This is most likely your prospect's first impression. It's like picking up your date on your bicycle versus your Mercedes AMG? 

What information are you providing? The most important thing you can do is get their attention. You can do that by highlighting their pain. Speak to the insurance buyer's needs. Do it here:

Your Blog

It talks about challenges that you solve. This is your best chance to get your voice across to your audience because it is free form. And it will continue working for you for years to come.

Your Facebook

One reason, actually 1.15 billion reasons

Your Twitter

This is a chance for you to develop your brand in a 140 characters, although 70-100 is recommended. This is one of your best opportunities to go viral, or spread quickly. 

You are on Yelp!

Did you know this? Well, you could be. I did a search yesterday in Yelp for "insurance" and the location was New York City. It returned 8,052 results.

Google Yourself

Here is something I want you to do right now: go to your favorite search engine and type in your company's name. What do you see? Now do a new search for your line of insurance and your city. It's OK for you to browse 2, 3, or even 4 pages in to these queries to learn what is out there. But you need to know your clients won't. 92% of internet views occur on Page 1. Only 5% on Page 2. 

What are people saying about you? The more places you exist on the internet, the more potential prospects you can touch. This also creates more opportunities to create fans and, just as equally, to create negative responses as well. Most times when a customer is unhappy they will just leave you for another service provider. But if they're really pissed they'll tell the world.

If you stay on top of all of your internet accounts you can quickly resolve their issue and get them singing your praises just as loud. If you don't, that negative press can sit out here forever.

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