You're Not Going To Hit Your Goal

  Are you an insurance producer? If so that means, like me, you work on commission. If you're the 1 in 4 producers that actually achieves their revenues goal this year then very little of what I'm about to say applies to you. 

If you're not trending to hit your revenue goal this year here are some reasons why. The point is to identify what is holding you back so that you can fix it:

  1. You haven't set any professional goals this year. "I want to be the best producer" doesn't count. Have a specific quantifiable goals and WRITE THEM DOWN. This is no one's responsibility but your own. Here are some goals I set for myself: Cold Calls per month, Meetings per month, Revenue per quarter.
  2. Your agency principal is a bad leader. Attitudes and behaviors come from the top down, be they positive or negative. Principals are former producers who were either great producers or were given the business by their parents. This does not mean they know how to lead. You're an adult, motivate yourself.
  3. You spend too much time doing Customer Service. If your value proposition to your clients is "They can call my cell phone anytime!" than you have poor time management skills. You also are attracting small needy clients. Stop pretending to work, it's costing you money. 
  4. Your value proposition is weak. Everyone says "Great rates, Great Customer Service, and expertise". If you want to stand out from every other broker that has already sat in front of your prospect than you need to STAND OUT. Stop leading with price and savings. If you think that is important then make it sound different at least. How about "We increase profitability". 
  5. You read too many blogs. 

Successful producers who hit their goals have the opposite of these behaviors. Go forth and do likewise. 

- R